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Alumni/Honorary Trumpimps

Once a Trumpimp, always a Trumpimp

BadAsses who are no longer with us...

Trumpimp Alumni-
  • Derek "The Dawg" Warren(2000) - Derek is the epitome of a trumpimp.  Fun-loving, friendly, and an all-around great guy.  Also, he is also an amazing lead trumpet player.  You'll hear him on some of the clips.  Especially listen for the Dubba C at the end of Lobo Fanfare!
  • Matt "The Original Trumpimp" Talmadge(2000,2001) - Matt is the founder of the trumpimps.  Also an amazing player, Matt can improv like nobody's business.  Some day, he'll find an embouchure that he likes and stick with it.  Matt has graduated with his master's in Music Education, and is the assistant band Director at Manzano High School. 
  • Jake "High G" Garcia(2000,2001) - Jake is finally graduating, so he won't be returning to Soundpack for the 7th time.  Too bad, that high G was freakin' awesome, and every single time!!!  But we wish him the best of luck in all of his future endeavors.
  • Eric "Strength" Oliver(2000, 2001) - We call him Strength for a reason; put simply enough: he tears it up.  He's helped to keep the Trumpimp tradition alive in the SMB for the past year but now he'll be working hard on his Music Performance degree.
  • Meagan "Nega-Junk" Christy (2001-2003) - Our Fearless Leader through thick and thin. We could always count on her to liven things up on the field and make us all laugh. We are sad to see her go but we wish her all the best.
  • Cale "Grandpa" Reedy (2000-2003) - Cale finally had to call it quits after four years of dedicated membership to the Trumpimps' Line.  You can still hear him in Soundpack with the rest of the alumni and see him around campus, working on whatever degree he's chosen for the year.
  • Hung "Chinese Mexican" Truong (2001, 2002) - Hung has a crazy emboucher.  In fact, we think it's responsible for his mariachi style of playing (but he's CHINESE!).  You can see him around campus now running between his computer science classes, playing in jazz band, and screamin' in Soundpack.
  • Adrian "Midget" Wagner(2002, 2003) - It's our resident triathlon competitor!  Whenever Adrian wasn't playing trumpet, he was training for or performing in triathlons around New Mexico.  We'll miss him in marching band, but hope he does well in life.     
  • David "Biggity-Bam " Schripsema (2002, 2003) - Biggity always made the games unpredictable with his crazy cheers and dances.  He was responsible for the invention of many of our dances and traditions within the section and always made us laugh.  We know he'll make a great music educator some day. 
  • Dustin "Diablo" Van Horn (2002, 2003) - Good old Diablo was always up for a laugh for the couple years he joined the SMB on the field.  Hopefully he's doing well now with his current pursuits.
Honorary Trumpimps-
  • Dan "The Man" Jonas - Dan is a guy who will go far in life, as soon as he realizes that he is a really awesome trumpet player.  You'll hear him soloing in Jazz Band I, and occasionally (very occasionally) playing the scream book in Soundpack.
  • Jim "Candy" Bamonte - Jimmy has the sweetest sound you have ever heard come out of a trumpet, and is always good for a laugh.  Jim, we all wish we could sound like you.
  • Jeremy "John Deere" Stanek - Jeremy used to sit in with Soundpack every once in awhile.  It reminded him of the good ole days back in Mizzou.  Another awesome player, with a great sense of humor.  We can always rely on him to remind us how high we should take all those licks up. Click here to listen to Jeremy's warm up! 
  • Dylan "Birky" Race - Dylan doesn't really sit in with Soundpack, as he doesn't have a mouthpiece shallow enough to meet our standards, but he played some lead with UNM Jazz Band I.  You can always count on Dylan when you want to talk shop.
  • Eric "Doesn't Practice" Stoneking - Eric was in the SMB before it was cool to be in the SMB.  Before there were Trumpimps.  But he is a really good player.  He could be a phenomenal player, but he never, ever practices.  Ever.  So he's just really good.  He's got a CD out with his band, so watch out for that!


Honorary Trumpimps...but not really

  • Loliki "What Would Bongo-Wanga Do?" Bongo-Wanga- Loliki Bongo-Wanga is a Senior RB for the Texas Tech Red Raiders. Why is he on here? Because we really like saying his name! From his unique name, popular cheers such as "Bon-go Wan-ga, clap clap, clap clap clap," and "When I say Bongo you say Wanga" have caught on. By the way, it's pronounced "Bon-Go Won-Ga." Read more about our traditional honorary trumpimp at his bio website.

These trumpet players are all-around bad-asses.  To become a Trumpimp without actually being in the SMB or Soundpack is one of the highest honors a trumpet player can achieve.